
02. Nov 2023


19:00 - 23:30

Daniel Lercher & Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø ・ OLSSON|RUBIN


Pay As You Wish f. Members

Daniel Lercher & Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø

Daniel Lercher – sine tones, resonators, filtered noise
Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø – amplified trombone, electronics

Daniel Lercher & Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø met in the Czech countryside in 2010, as part of an improvising orchestra comprised of Austrian, Czech and Norwegian musicians, and started working as a duo shortly after. Finding common ground in fine grained and slow pulsed music, the duo went through a research period, striving to develop a common material void of all things unnecessary, where the impact of acoustic and electronic sound elements were truly balanced. While Nørstebø refined his arsenal of hisses, bass tones and pulsations with the use of close up amplification and physical micro adjustments, Lercher programmed a software that enabled him to analyze Nørstebø’s sound spectrum in real time, processing the data through electronic synthesis-methods (sine waves, resonators, filtered noise..) to create a tightly matching output, still leaving the amplified acoustic trombone unaltered. The result is tightly woven electroacoustic music, both ethereal and in-your-face.
Website Nørstebø
Website Lercher





Henrik Olsson and Ola Rubin are two well acknowledged Swedish improvisers, currently with a base in Copenhagen/Malmö where they are involved in several projects that frequently appear on the international scene. In this duo, they both immerse themselves in a hearty improvised musical dialogue that is full of energy and expressivity. They work their way towards the unheard by meticulously exploring mind-boggling sounds, rhythms and abstract sonic shapes, often rapidly shifting between these. Curiosity is at the core of this duo’s identity and their interplay is reactive and dynamic. They both utilize a way of playing that takes advantage of extended techniques that they both developed on their respective instruments.

Henrik Olsson is a Swedish guitar player and composer, based in Copenhagen. Existing on a continuum between free improvisation and experimental music, he is curiously exploring and embracing the multifaceted nature of the electric guitar, with meticulous attention to the instruments timbral and textural subtleties. His visions as a composer is manifested through his own projects, as his latest project Hand of Benediction, which received an Honorable Mention in New York City Jazz Record 2019 and was by Vital Weekly called “a lovely madness and a very remarkable statement”, as well as his debut album Penumbra Ensemble, which was very well received among critics and referred to as “a surrealist vision, a deeply personal expression of avant-garde rock, jazz, world music and poetic soundscapes” by All About Jazz. His distinctive playing can also be heard in groups as OLSSON|RUBIN, EHM, Ytterlandet, Jeppe Zeeberg & The Absolute Pinnacle of Human Achievement, as well as different ad hoc constellations. He is also a member of Barefoot Records, an independent label and improvisers collective based in Copenhagen.

Ola Rubin is a trombone player based in Malmö, Sweden. Exploring new techniques and sounds on the instrument. Currently active in many projects like Swedish/American trio ‘Swedish Fix’ (w. Jon Lipscomb/Anders Uddeskog) Recent collaborations with Leila Bordreuil, Zach Rowden, Brandon Lopez and Såle Liavik Solberg among others. Everyday music with bBb on the Glascow label Scatter Archive. Debut cd on Konvoj Records with Tombola Rubola. A new tribute band to Roswell Rudd and Steve Lacy ‘Lazyrudemonk’ (w. Martin Küchen/Dan Schyman/Anders Uddeskog) Member of Extemporize Orchestra in Copenhagen.


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club wakuum


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Camping ist ausschließlich während des Musik Festivals von Freitag 14 Uhr bis Sonntag 12 Uhr möglich.

  • kein offenes Feuer
  • Ruhezeit von 1 bis 10 Uhr

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